Monday, May 18, 2015

Who do you think you are?

To start my interviewing process I interviewed my Mom and Dad. The interviews are here and here. I found out a lot of information about my family through the interviews. I found out that my moms and dads side of the family are very different and have different ideologies. I think it is interesting to see how I am similar and different to both families. Next I emailed my cousin to ask and see if she had any other information. The email was very helpful to see how her point of view differed from my parents. The email was an interesting way to see how families are perceived differently throughout generations. Next I made a family tree for my family. I never knew how far out my family went and how many people were in my family. It is very interesting to see how the number of people change with generation and how they are different and similar. After that I created a Prezi to help visually demonstrate my family and how big each side was. I found out some very interesting things about my family. For instance my grandpa on my moms side went to school in a one room school house, and my great grandpa on my dads side witnessed the last public execution in Illinois. Finally I created an infographic to show all the information I gathered in a short concise manner. The infographic was fun to see my family in a visual form.


