Monday, May 18, 2015

Who do you think you are?

To start my interviewing process I interviewed my Mom and Dad. The interviews are here and here. I found out a lot of information about my family through the interviews. I found out that my moms and dads side of the family are very different and have different ideologies. I think it is interesting to see how I am similar and different to both families. Next I emailed my cousin to ask and see if she had any other information. The email was very helpful to see how her point of view differed from my parents. The email was an interesting way to see how families are perceived differently throughout generations. Next I made a family tree for my family. I never knew how far out my family went and how many people were in my family. It is very interesting to see how the number of people change with generation and how they are different and similar. After that I created a Prezi to help visually demonstrate my family and how big each side was. I found out some very interesting things about my family. For instance my grandpa on my moms side went to school in a one room school house, and my great grandpa on my dads side witnessed the last public execution in Illinois. Finally I created an infographic to show all the information I gathered in a short concise manner. The infographic was fun to see my family in a visual form.




Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

This blog post is about how we get so caught up in the numbers and the grades and fitting in at school that we are missing the purpose. We need to focus more on how we get there and how we overcome struggles so that we can succeed when we get out of school. When you work on something in school you are so focused on following the exact expectations that you forget why you had to write this paper in the first place. I think that the main event of school is trying to figure out how to succeed for you and how to power through things that are hard and how to keep going. The main event of school is finding out how to use perseverance and courage in small situations before you have to use them in larger ones. Dealing with the failure of a test will help you prepare for much harder things, like job loss or death. The struggles you have in school will not go away anytime soon so you might as well learn to deal with them now.

Friday, April 17, 2015


  1. What was your stop motion animation about? Why did you choose your video to be about this? Was it because it was easy, because it would be fun, or it would be challenging? Explain your reasoning behind your project (and be honest).
  2. If you could rate your stop motion on a 1-10 scale. 1 being low effort and no very good and 10 being out of this world/mind-blowing, how would you rate your project? Explain why.
  3. In hindsight, what would you do differently the second time around? Better lighting? Time management? Explain yourself.
  4. Explain what makes your stop motion animation unique. How do you believe you thought "outside of the box" on this project? 
  5. What grade do you feel you deserve on this project? Explain your reasoning.

  1. My stop motion video was about a scrabble game. I chose to do this because I saw some similar videos on the internet. I also did it so I could have a non moving subject and the pieces would be easy to move. I also did not have any other ideas. 
  2. I would rate my stop motion video 8 because it is overall pretty good but the photography could be better. It would be better if I had done the pictures so that the camera was stationary. I put a lot of effort into the project so an 8 seems sufficient
  3. the second time around I would have put the project on the ground or somewhere I could prop my camera up so that it doesn't move as  much. It would overall improve the quality of the video by a lot. It would also have been helpful for someone to help me move the pieces and adjust them to get a more seamless video 
  4. My stop motion is unique because instead of focusing on the game as much it more focuses on the preparation of the game.  It also looks at the game from multiple point of views as if four different people are playing the game. The video is also unique because it has the pieces moving differently on their way to the spot almost like they are alive
  5. I would give myself 95% because although the camera gets a little shaky at times the video follows the rubric and meets all of the requirements of being creative and having a story with a beginning middle and end. I also put a lot of effort into the project and I think that it is very well done. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.

On Friday I had a flute lesson and I watched Les Mis.  On Saturday I had solo and ensemble in the morning and I got a one on my solo. After that I went to dance and then came home again. That night I went to a birthday party for one of my dance friends. We went to the mall and did a bunch of challenges and then we came home and ate ice cream and watched movies. When we were at the mall we had the challenge to dance around Banana Republic with a banana. After about ten minutes in the store we got asked to leave but it was still pretty fun. On Sunday I had dance and the rest of the day I just hung out. On Monday I had a dentist appointment and I found out I have to get my wisdom teeth out soon. Besides that I had dance and then read with my cats.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Tell me ALL about what your idea is for your stop-motion animation. I need detail. Who is going to help you take photos? What props do you need? Where do you plan on shooting? EXPLAIN everything.

I am going to play a monopoly game without people. I plan on using a monopoly board and then all of the different characters are going to be in different spots on the board trying to get a monopoly. I will need a monopoly board and dice and I plan to just use the board as my background. I will play a game of  monopoly and all of the board pieces are going to be either happy or sad about the end behavior. The pieces will fight for money and property and one piece will end up winning. I will get someone to hold my phone and then I will take the pictures


Tell me all about your weekend and please share photos!\
Over the weekend I did not do much but on Saturday I did homework and hung out around the house. I also had a flute lesson and hung out with my friends. On Sunday I went to church for Easter and the rest of the day I spent cooking. My sister and I really enjoy cooking and we cooked the Easter dinner for my family. After we finished cooking we watched a movie and then headed to bed.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


What do you love most about this time of year? Explain why you love it.

I like the most about this time of year is the weather. I really like the temperature in the Spring and it is a nice change from the coldness of winter. I also love the rain. I love thunderstorms and other rainy days and those are the most often in the spring time. I also really like how all of the plants start to grow and everything is really green.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Edited Pictures


Did you complete the photo scavenger hunt? What kind of fun pictures were you able to capture? Did you do all your photos at school or did you do some at home over the weekend? Share one of your favorites.

I completed the scavenger hunt and I took a lot of fun photos. I took some pictures over the weekend but I took most of them at school. I took some pictures of art and in the PAC.

Friday, March 27, 2015


What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?

I don't really know that much about photography or photo editing. I think it is fun to take pictures and play around with different filters but it is not a passion of mine. I take pictures mostly with my phone and other apple products but I have used cameras and know how to work them. I think it would be interesting to learn about since I do not know much about it. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


Welcome back! Go ahead. Tell me all about your Spring Break. Include photos!

I did not do much over spring break. For the most part I hung out at home and watched Netflix and caught up on all of my shows. For the last 3 days I went to Arkansas with my family for a college visit and it was nice and the weather was great. We went and saw hot springs and they were really nice. I also watched a lot of basketball but unfortunately my bracket is over. I only have 2 final four teams left and my champion, Virginia, lost. But overall it was a good spring break and it was a good time to relax.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Greek Economic Crisis Prezi


What are you doing for Spring Break?

For spring break I am not going anywhere but I am planning on getting a lot accomplished. I want to get all of my projects done and out of the way and I also want to finish online p.e. I want to tan some because I have dance competitions soon. Otherwise I will chill and watch Netflix. I am looking forward to hanging out and not doing much.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Tell me about your weekend.
Friday night was Relay for Life and it was tons of fun even though it was very tiring. We did lots of games and had fun with all of my friends. After I got home from that at 7 I had a 30 minute nap and then went to spacing rehearsal for dance. I had seven dances spread out from 9 to 6. The rehearsal was at Shawnee Mission South so it was about a 30 minute drive to get there. When I got home at 7 I had dinner and went to bed. I woke up the next morning at 7 and went to church. Then I got all ready to go to costume rehearsal. I had to have all of my costumes ready to go and we tried them all on and did all our dances in that. When I got home at 6 I did my homework and then went to bed. 

Friday, March 6, 2015


If you were the principal for a week at BVHS, what would that look like? What changes would you make? Why?
If I was the principal for a week probably nothing would change. We all know that change takes a long time and I would not be able to implement anything in the span of one week. If I did have that power I would change the way class changes are handled. It is very confusing on how to change and what classes are open. It is also very awkward to ask a teacher to let you leave their class for another teacher. I would also fix the Wifi because you cannot do anything on anything without it. But in reality Mr. Bacon does a very good job of running the school and I wouldn't change much. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015


List out 10 pieces of advice you would give someone on how to create an amazing presentation.

1. Use lots of color
use interesting colors and sizes to make the presentation interesting
2. Do not use paragraphs use bullets to display your information
3. Use pictures and graphs to help show your information
4. Make each slide informational but not too crowded
5. when you are talking don't just read off the slide
6. Make sure you have your information displayed in an interesting way not just the same all the way through
7. The presentation should be in a specific order not just random information
8. Make sure you have all of your work cited and there are no grammar or spelling errors
9. In your presentation make sure the work has purpose and you answer a question or solve something
10. Your presentation should be fun and interesting to read. It should be exiting and engaging . 

Monday, March 2, 2015


Tell me about your weekend

Over the weekend I did not do much but on Friday night I performed at the basketball game for dance team and I played for the first girls game. After I performed I hung out and watched the staff game. After that I went home and watched Grey's Anatomy and went to bed. The next day I had dance for 2 hours and then I came home and worked on homework and rhinestoned costumes. Our dress rehearsal is this weekend so we are preparing for that. On Sunday I went to dance for an hour and then came home and chilled out for the rest of the day. That evening I went to church with my older brother and we went out to eat afterwards. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


 1. 90% of the information that comes into the brain is visual
 2. Infographics should show statistics easily and simply
 3. 32% of visual things on an infographic are bar graphs
 4. 40% of people learn better using visual tools
 5. Infographics make you look like an expert in the topic

Monday, February 23, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. Give me a story, something funny that happened, an experiencing you had, the way you felt, etc. Include photos!

Over the weekend I did a lot of costuming because we have dress rehearsal for my competitive dance studio in a week. I sewed on appliques, glued rhinestones and sewed straps and other odd tasks. I went to dinner Saturday night with my friends at pinstripes and saw a movie at Cinetopia. We got our reservations late so we had to sprint from the dinner to catch the movie. After that I went to Coco Dolche and got a really good salted caramel mocha. I am a little stressed out because I still have two costumes to rhinestone and I haven't started them yet. On Sunday I had a solo rehearsal and then I worked on costumes some more.

Friday, February 20, 2015


A perfect curriculum would consist of a fast paced course that allowed me to go as fast as I wanted to go. It would not consist of any useless knowledge things like how to identify a gerund but it would be all applicable to life situations. You would enroll in classes you were interested in and they would not set a lot of homework or tests or busy work, you would just be able to sit in classes that you enjoy and learn. There would also be a life skills class where you would learn how to do things that you will need to learn how to do when you have a job and are living on your own. For example you would learn how to manage a bank account, health insurance and how to be successful on your own. The classes would not be all that different then they are now but they would be personalized to fit everyone's individual needs. I would study differently because I would study not because I needed to to pass a test but because I wanted to. I would probably be a lot more engaged in class because I would actually enjoy what I was learning

Thursday, February 19, 2015


My favorite food: Ice Cream
Foods I'd like to avoid: Pickles
My favorite things to learn: Math and Science
My favorite color: Purple
My best friends are: Mallory, Sydney O, Sydnei W, Emma Maddy
My favorite games to play: Clue
My favorite books: YA or distopian novels
My favorite movies or TV shows: The Office, Grey's anatomy, Captain America 2
My favorite holiday: Christmas
Things I do well: school, dance and organization
Things I need to practice more: grammar and spelling
My favorite place to go: home
My favorite family activities: skiing or game nights
My favorite thing to do outside: laying out
My favorite chore: playing with my cats
My least favorite chore: Washing the dishes
What I want to be when I grow up: either an engineer or a doctor of some sort
A place I want to visit: France
My favorite part of the year: Spring and Fall
My favorite part of each day: When I go to sleep at night

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Tell me what you believe this cartoon is trying to say. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Try and look at this from two different perspectives. What is your perspective? What would be an adult/teacher's perspective?

(Definition of perspective: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.)

This cartoon is trying to say something about how the American school systems are not up to standard with a lot of other countries. I agree with this idea because I do think that our school system is sub par and needs improving. This also shows how much China and India value education and being smart. The United States is different in regards to that specific value. This is a cartoon that is also supposed to be a reality check with how we value school and how we value education. An adults perspective might see something about kids motivation and maybe inspire them to become better students and to work to be able to compete with other countries in the world. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Think about the quote above. What does this mean to you? How could this apply to your life? How could this apply to your school work? I would love to give you less work in class if it meant you were going to focus harder on the work. Do you think you would get more out of it? Would that work for you? Why or why not?

I think that this a good quote because it focuses on doing things well and don't overcrowd your life with a ton of activities. I think this can apply in my life because I am always trying to do a lot of activities and it might be better to do less activities. You want to do less work with more focus. It would be helpful for time management and getting things done if you are always focused. You would be able to work a lot harder but use less time. Your time would become more valuable. I think that this would work for me so that I could still do the same amount of things just focus really hard on all of them and you would complete them faster and have more time for doing things that I enjoy. It would work well for me to do this so that I would have more time spent on things I enjoy. Also if you are doing less activities you will not necessarily be not as busy. If you are extremely focused then you would spend more time on the project or activity and it will be just as time consuming.  

Monday, February 9, 2015


Tell me all about your weekend! I sure hope you have photos to share.
Over the weekend I had a semi-busy weekend. On Friday night I played in the pep band and performed for dance team at both the girls and boys basketball games. On Saturday I went to dance in the morning and then the rest of the day I rhinestoned costumes for dance. I finished one costume and we had to glue sequins all around the seams and then rhinestones on all of the edges of the costume. On Sunday I went to church and then did homework for the most of the day. I also went to my little brothers basketball game. 

Friday, February 6, 2015


Tell me about some interesting things you have learned about your global issue so far. What have you learned that you didn't know before? Include a couple images from the internet if possible. (Make sure to cite images that are not your own.)

I have learned a lot about how the global economies all depend on each other. I learned how economies can go into a recession and how the pros and cons affect the country that they may be applied to.  I learned that Greece has so much debt that they are facing default if nothing changes. I have also learned how the recession could have been avoided and how other countries can avoid the problems Greece is in now. I have learned how different political parties have influenced the decisions being made. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Over sweetheart weekend I went to Omaha to visit my sister. My sister is a sophomore in college at Creighton. We went to a basketball game and ate out a lot. We went to a very hipster pizza place called Pitch and it was very good. I hung out a lot with my sister and I met her roommates boyfriend. The last night we were there, there was a huge snow storm and Omaha got about 2 feet of snow. On our way back instead of it taking 3 hours, it took 5. When we got home we made a bunch of food and watched the Superbowl, and I have to say the commercials were kind of sub-par this year. Katy Perry's half time show was awesome and left shark will forever be my favorite.

Monday, February 2, 2015


What is email? When do you use email in your own personal life? List reasons and ways that people use email. What do you know about "email etiquette"? EXPLAIN.

Email is a form of communication that is like mail but over the internet. I use email to communicate with my teachers, and a lot of other people. It is used by companies for advertising, to communicate with their clients, and help people with issues. Email is fast so it is a convenient way to get a hold of people. Email is very good for asking questions and sending people documents and pictures. Some Email etiquette I know of is to have a greeting and some sort of closing. You should also include your name and how to reach you. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...." (explain)
10 years from now I will probably be in graduate school and 10 times more fabulous then I am now. I will probably have more of a clear sense of what I want to do with my life. I will probably be working really hard to do what ever I want to do and I will have a limited social life. I will have cats in wherever I am living and I will probably have roommates.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Yesterday I had you choose a global issue and you wrote about it on your blog. Today on your blog I want you to tell me about two different perspectives of your global issue. Are there people for an against your issue? Do people disagree on your issue? Is it a topic that can cause controversy? Look at the issue for two different perspectives. Tell me about those perspectives.

Someone may be for the issue of internet censorship because it provides a protection from things that people don't want to see or are not appropriate. If the internet was censored then people would not be able to access this sketchy materials. This would be good for kids and other people who are concerned about using the internet because of the inappropriate material.

Someone may be against the issue of internet censorship because it will provide too much government control. If the government has control over what we access online then the country will become like China or North Korea who restrict their citizens internet access so that they will not have access to information. This could lead to restrictions on knowledge about the government and restricted knowledge on other things going on around the world.

Internet Censorship

Without doing any research, what background do you currently have on this issue?
Currently countries are trying to restrict access to certain questionable material on the internet. Some people do not want this to happen because it will restrict the freedom of knowledge on the internet. It could be bad because certain regimes severely restrict internet access to stop people from knowing about certain things. It has both upsides and down sides
What do you want to know about this issue?
I want to go further in depth about why people agree or disagree with this policy and their reasons for believing so. I also think this is an interesting
Why did you choose this issue? Had it effected your life? Is it something you are passionate about? Explain.
I chose this issue because I think it is a very interesting topic and I think that it will be important to know some about this in the future.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Last week I asked your to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain.

You asked us to think differently so we could actually learn something from this class. If we just used bullets and headers we would not be able to expand our knowledge and our presenting skills. We already knew how to use Google Slides but it is important for us to explore and use more tools from the software. It is interesting to learn all of the wonderful things Google Slides has to offer. 

Friday, January 23, 2015



Kids these days are way too crazy. Kids need to be reading books and doing homework and instead they are going to parties. They are also very whiny. They cannot take really anything and it gets annoying having to repair their self esteem every time someone knocks them down. Kids music is also very scandalous. The number one songs are often highly inappropriate. Kids also spend way too much time on their phones. With the Twitter and Instagram kids never get off their phones. I wish kids were more like us when we were kids.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


What is a public service announcement (PSA)? What do PSA's do? What makes a good PSA? How can you get someone to take action after watching a PSA? What is you PSA idea? Explain in detail.

A PSA is a government funded message played on either the radio or the TV trying to inform people about the harms or benefits of a certain habit or lifestyle. A good PSA is convincing and provides good information. It is short and to the point but gets the message across. PSA's usually get someone to take action by scaring them a little bit. My idea of what my PSA will be is that it will have a lot of good information and will be convincing. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Tell me all about your 3 day weekend. Share photos!
Over the weekend I had a dance team competition at Olathe South and we did well! I performed a solo and we had two group dances. Since this is Kansas and everyone is a winner here I am not really sure how it went but they felt good. On Sunday I didn't do much but I worked on all of my homework and online P.E. work. On Monday I went to the mall with my friend Mallory and we went shopping in Nordstroms, Lush, and Sephora. I got a bath bomb and some makeup. After that we went and got lunch at the Nordstrom Cafe. When I got home I went to dance. I had ballet and leaps and turns that evening. that pretty much sums up my weekend!

Friday, January 16, 2015


Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.

I am on dance team and in the band. I really enjoy dance team and have make a lot of friends in it. In first semester I was in Debate. I enjoy school and like  I am a freshman and I am mostly just trying out classes and seeing what I like. My favorite class is probably math or bio and those are historically my favorite subjects. I am looking forward to continuing to do the activities I am in this school year. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Who am I?


Always eat chocolate
Be awesome
Cats are cool
Dogs are also cool
Every Villain is lemons
Follow your dreams
Guacamole: you should eat it every day
Insects- Destroy them
Just live
Keep moving on
Live life to the fullest
Make new friends
Never give up
Optimism is key
Please say please
Question everything
Stay classy
Tell people who you are
Uni brows are bad
Very extraordinary
Wait and listen
Xtra health
Yell when you have to
Zzz are important

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself.

This class has so far been easy and I think it will become more challenging and exciting. I think all of the things with Google Drive have been useful and will continue to be useful. I think that once we get more into the swing of things everyone will get more comfortable and the class will get more fun. I want to learn how to be a better student using online resources and I think this class will help me with that. 

Monday, January 12, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Upload a photo to your Google Drive and then insert the photo (or photos!) to your blog post to show me what all you did.
This weekend I went to dance on Saturday and Sunday and did homework. At dance we found out that the music was cut wrong and we had to add four extra eight counts. We also got our costumes for two of our dances and they were very cool. I hope I can get the rest of my costumes soon! I went to Corner Bakery on Sunday where my brother works and I had lunch there.  I also watched Grey's Anatomy and finished all the episodes on Netflix.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Living Life A
Talking About Cats A
Sleeping A
Eating Nila Wafers A
Drinking Hot Chocolate A
Dancing A
Eating Chipotle A
Spending Money A
Being Clumsy A
Being Fabulous A

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself

This post has a lot of meaning for teenagers because we always want to blame everything on someone else. This shows that if you want something to happen you cant just wait around for it to happen you have to go get it. No one else can give you fun or happiness you have to find it your self. I also think that it gives a message of independence about how you have to do things for your self and if you want to be treated like an adult then you have to act like one.